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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

ASK THE EXPERT Dr Shreepad Khedekar MD Homeopathy

Q: I am a 45-year-old teacher, who has always depended on homeopathy. I want to know why a patient's mind is given so much importance by homeopaths, even when the problem is physical. 

    — A Daruwala 
A: A distinguishing fact about homeopathy is that a lot of importance is given to the mind of the individual seeking treatment. Many people fail to understand the significance of mental symptoms. Some get amused, some annoyed and consider it as inquisitiveness. A few even hide information or fabricate stories. They fail to appreciate that a physician seeks information, only to help you help yourself. Your mind and body work hand-in-hand. If there is a disturbance in your mind, it will reflect as a disturbance in your body. For example, a businessman develops hypertension and diabetes when he suffers financial losses. A student's immunity goes down during his exams.
    One needs to understand the scientific sequence and definite process of how our mental and physical make-up is moulded. A thought originates in one's mind and is manifested by being spoken. Once thoughts are expressed as words, they are further put into action as deeds. An action done repeatedly becomes one's habit. One's habits define his/her character. Finally, one's character defines one's destiny. Thus, your thoughts are the architects of your destiny! A similar sequence is 
also mirrored by the cells of our body. Each cell has a nucleus, which contains genetic material in the form of DNA molecules. The main role of DNA molecules is storing information. This info is equivalent to the information stored as thoughts in our minds. DNA segments called genes are like a set of blueprints or a code, since they contain the instructions needed to construct components of cells like proteins, etc. DNA information gets expressed as proteins and various other components. These products, like enzymes and hormones, perform explicit actions like growth and development of the body and other bodily functions. When a sound state of body is maintained for a period of time, a homeostasis (habit) is created. We see this as body's normal behaviour. 
    This is the process when in health. However, in disease, there is a change in the level of thought process. This 
change can be induced by factors that one is exposed to and sensitive to — change in climate, lifestyle, family situations, stress, etc. Consequently, body's homeostasis gets disrupted and levels of hormones and proteins go haywire. One then gets allergies, asthma, arthritis, autism, diabetes, cancer, etc. 
Everything happens for a reason. People do not develop diseases out of the blue. There is a definite sequence of events at the level of the mind and body. In order to correct a diseased individual, we have to stimulate the mind and body at the levels of thought and DNA information. This is where homeopathy can help. 
For queries, contact Dr Shreepad Khedekar, MD (HOM) on Dadar: 2438 5888, Thane: 2543 5888 



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